keke...i'm a happy gal liao...haha...i'm a zhi zhu chang le gal...keke...saw ur taggies alredi made me very happy liao...keke...thx for brightening my day...keke..thx Lim, Ling, Jessica & crystal berry... :)
thz... :)
Friday, February 29, 2008
words said too fast....
so angry!!! haiyooooo i thot tat BS not in the office i can haf peace life... but no!!! hai... her spirit still here!!!
1) she issue our salary ALL WRONG!!! why must she deduce our salary??????????? who is she??? who?
yday was my cuz birthday...we sms sent her sms to wish her...normally she will reply but yday? lor! so sad.... jus becos of tat stupid BS!!!! HCL!!! thank you very much!!
very disapt lor! we haf been sista for so many yr!? jus becos of tat HCL now we are not close le... is not becos i dun stand at ur not tat i dun support u sis ... is u... everyday when u step in the office your face is BLACK!! why? cos of tat F***king BS HCL!!! she had been carrying tales!! thank you ah! becos of you we haf lost a sista!
BUT i would like to say once sista always sista!
haiyooooo...early in the morning!! really spoil my day man... haha...
neber mind MICHELLE!! jia you!!! AJA!!! keke.... TGIF!!! :)
1) she issue our salary ALL WRONG!!! why must she deduce our salary??????????? who is she??? who?
yday was my cuz birthday...we sms sent her sms to wish her...normally she will reply but yday? lor! so sad.... jus becos of tat stupid BS!!!! HCL!!! thank you very much!!
very disapt lor! we haf been sista for so many yr!? jus becos of tat HCL now we are not close le... is not becos i dun stand at ur not tat i dun support u sis ... is u... everyday when u step in the office your face is BLACK!! why? cos of tat F***king BS HCL!!! she had been carrying tales!! thank you ah! becos of you we haf lost a sista!
BUT i would like to say once sista always sista!
haiyooooo...early in the morning!! really spoil my day man... haha...
neber mind MICHELLE!! jia you!!! AJA!!! keke.... TGIF!!! :)
oops..i realise some tags i replied liao were soli ah... hmmmm...mayb i shd reply here ah... fault too long winded liao..and who ask me dun come here soli ah...keke....
let me see...
"jessica -hi..u still remember mii..i am the one wif my fren saw u..u say to us happy new yr..while u tat time talkin on the phone..saw u at outside the the carpark there...
michelle - i think i can rem...correct me if wrong...tat time we met was the eve of the cny rite? keke...u and some of ur frex... keke...rite? :) "
"keryl - de last two pic is cute!de specs..omg so kawaii >< michelle - thank you!!! :) i love dis specs too!! now my hot favour...keke... :)"
"Serena - Thanks for tagging... I got nothing better to do ma... So go find nice blogskin lo... =) I didnt know that Thomas Ong was in the show Wo Men De Fan Dian... Why didnt i see him there that day leh? =(
michelle - tat day we were eating snake mah n was kanna caught by u...keke... :P no lar...tat day he was still shooting in the der was no scene for us so we came out to drink kopi...keke...n tat was the only time i saw u ... :( after soooo many yrs... keke.... "
"passerby - hiie just passin by but i think yr pic is realli cute!
michelle - hi passerby...thx for passing by...keke...hope to see u again...keke...thx ah... :) "
'jonathan - hello ..just a passerby ...nice bloggie to relink me ? tanks a fan of u la ...haha
michelle - hi jonathan...thx for passing to relink u ? keke... btw do u noe some one by the name of irene? keke.... "
"Truth +michelle: lol,i think seldom "normal" ppl know bah,hurhur.wah,den tt one jack neo's house arh,cos look like de bunglow leh.
michelle - no my boss's hse not the "i not stupid" hse...keke... :) "
"Truth - yar lor.hai~.btw...the pics ok wat,can see mah.haha,jia you u bah =D
michelle - thx Truth! :)"
"issachi there, i've been following u up in tv shows. Your acting has improved. I believe that if they nurture you well and give u a serious role, you can florish! Keep up the good work!
michelle - thx issac for ur encouragement!!! i'll cont to jia you de!!! :) "
"Princess Carol <>ya, michelle, u can try write her name in a diary and see what might happen to her! hehehe... maybe tmr she'll fall into a drain! hahaha... me so bad!
michelle - keke...she had not been int the office since last fri afternoon...and our office had been very peaceful since then...keke...but i think she's coming back next wk liao... hai... keke..."
"irene <>haha! sry pressed wrong liao le ): haha! i was saying if i can change the world like L, i will write all these evil ppl names in my deathnote :P haha!
michelle - keke...yes yes i bought the "DEATH NOTE" le!! keke.. very cool!! it was a gift la...keke...for one of bro... :) tell u ah...he was shocked le...he said how can i gif him a "shu" haha...ended up i asked him to pay me 5cents for the note...keke... "
"Truth - WTH =.=lll. u torlerance v good leh.if mi i confirm buay song den....haha.I dunno y this kind of ppl EVEN exsist *rolleyes*
michelle - no choice leh...tat's life...hai.. how nice if she's gone forever... :) "
"Lim - if u change your blog name, must tell me ya, if not can't find it....
michelle - no worries lim...keke..if i change my blog add i 'll sure inform u de...keke... :) thx so much leh... u are always soooooo supporting!!! :) "
"irene <>as long as we like the job we are doing can liao :D i like kids even more now after my work at student care! hahaha!
michelle - u r rite irene!! :) we must like wat we are doing then we can njoy it and do well... :) congrats!!!! looks like u r getting busier liao... keke "
"irene <>yaya! JIAYOU JIAYOU! but at least they are ppl who are close to you in your com ma, so don worry! you all can depend and count on each other :P haha!
michelle - yes yes...keke...xie xie ni!! we all jia you together!!! aja!!! :) "
"irenehaha! this kind of 'animal' are like that one ): so all we have to do is to ignore them! let them know that we are not a least bit affected by them.hohoho
michelle - hugs!! yes yes see no evil hear no evil... keke..."
i hope i had replied all tags...keke...if no haf dun get angry ah...keke...jus leave me a note and i 'll reply once i come in...keke....
got to sleep liao... nite nite... :)
let me see...
"jessica -hi..u still remember mii..i am the one wif my fren saw u..u say to us happy new yr..while u tat time talkin on the phone..saw u at outside the the carpark there...
michelle - i think i can rem...correct me if wrong...tat time we met was the eve of the cny rite? keke...u and some of ur frex... keke...rite? :) "
"keryl - de last two pic is cute!de specs..omg so kawaii >< michelle - thank you!!! :) i love dis specs too!! now my hot favour...keke... :)"
"Serena - Thanks for tagging... I got nothing better to do ma... So go find nice blogskin lo... =) I didnt know that Thomas Ong was in the show Wo Men De Fan Dian... Why didnt i see him there that day leh? =(
michelle - tat day we were eating snake mah n was kanna caught by u...keke... :P no lar...tat day he was still shooting in the der was no scene for us so we came out to drink kopi...keke...n tat was the only time i saw u ... :( after soooo many yrs... keke.... "
"passerby - hiie just passin by but i think yr pic is realli cute!
michelle - hi passerby...thx for passing by...keke...hope to see u again...keke...thx ah... :) "
'jonathan - hello ..just a passerby ...nice bloggie to relink me ? tanks a fan of u la ...haha
michelle - hi jonathan...thx for passing to relink u ? keke... btw do u noe some one by the name of irene? keke.... "
"Truth +michelle: lol,i think seldom "normal" ppl know bah,hurhur.wah,den tt one jack neo's house arh,cos look like de bunglow leh.
michelle - no my boss's hse not the "i not stupid" hse...keke... :) "
"Truth - yar lor.hai~.btw...the pics ok wat,can see mah.haha,jia you u bah =D
michelle - thx Truth! :)"
michelle - thx issac for ur encouragement!!! i'll cont to jia you de!!! :) "
"Princess Carol <>ya, michelle, u can try write her name in a diary and see what might happen to her! hehehe... maybe tmr she'll fall into a drain! hahaha... me so bad!
michelle - keke...she had not been int the office since last fri afternoon...and our office had been very peaceful since then...keke...but i think she's coming back next wk liao... hai... keke..."
"irene <>haha! sry pressed wrong liao le ): haha! i was saying if i can change the world like L, i will write all these evil ppl names in my deathnote :P haha!
michelle - keke...yes yes i bought the "DEATH NOTE" le!! keke.. very cool!! it was a gift la...keke...for one of bro... :) tell u ah...he was shocked le...he said how can i gif him a "shu" haha...ended up i asked him to pay me 5cents for the note...keke... "
"Truth - WTH =.=lll. u torlerance v good leh.if mi i confirm buay song den....haha.I dunno y this kind of ppl EVEN exsist *rolleyes*
michelle - no choice leh...tat's life...hai.. how nice if she's gone forever... :) "
"Lim - if u change your blog name, must tell me ya, if not can't find it....
michelle - no worries lim...keke..if i change my blog add i 'll sure inform u de...keke... :) thx so much leh... u are always soooooo supporting!!! :) "
"irene <>as long as we like the job we are doing can liao :D i like kids even more now after my work at student care! hahaha!
michelle - u r rite irene!! :) we must like wat we are doing then we can njoy it and do well... :) congrats!!!! looks like u r getting busier liao... keke "
"irene <>yaya! JIAYOU JIAYOU! but at least they are ppl who are close to you in your com ma, so don worry! you all can depend and count on each other :P haha!
michelle - yes yes...keke...xie xie ni!! we all jia you together!!! aja!!! :) "
michelle - hugs!! yes yes see no evil hear no evil... keke..."
i hope i had replied all tags...keke...if no haf dun get angry ah...keke...jus leave me a note and i 'll reply once i come in...keke....
got to sleep liao... nite nite... :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
OMG...i left my mobile fone at home again!!! :(
soli to all who call or sms me huh.... so soli to miss all ur call again... :( me so careless ah...
busy busy day many things to do in the office... keke..
ciao... :) happy wk ahead ah... :)
soli to all who call or sms me huh.... so soli to miss all ur call again... :( me so careless ah...
busy busy day many things to do in the office... keke..
ciao... :) happy wk ahead ah... :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
yes she's d DEVIL!!!
so drama leh...yday some1 even wanted to call the police...haha...
ok wat happen was yday one of my cuz wanna issue a chq..the chq bk was wif tat BS when i nicely asked her to pass d chq to me cos my leg was painful...(cos i jus came back from d chinese doctor...) she replied :"come in n take yourself!" as usual very rude..haha.. ok to cut short she even shouted out loudly to my cuz (who was oso one of the director) asking him to go to her cubicle to take from cuz was so angry and demanded her to pass to him then she replied :'ask michelle to come in n take!!" she shouted so loudly!! my cuz replied " dun u understand i wan the chq now...." she got no choice and so she came out and threw the chq bk on my table and said :"i'm not yr maid dun ask me around to pass thing to u!!..." haha...then wat happen? keke...drama liao lor... she dragged my uncle my aunts all in...making them so angry too then pretended to be good person asking them not to bother cos dis's b/w her and us... haha...well she even threaten to call the police la...cos she said my aunt touches her haha... haha... she forgotten something once she pushed my sista (my uncle fell down when my sista went to carry him she PUSHED my sista away n quick went to hold him up....) she din even say soli n we oso din take to heart...and now she.... hai...
oops...tooo long liao ah...keke... anyway yday really a exciting day in d office..keke..cos after my boss went home le...she started to tear dunno wat n made alot of noise... haha... then when she felt no one bothering abt her she started her "play" again..keke...she called my cuz (which she only listen to her cos she her only boss) n told her :" hello kat ah... 你请一个人来看我做工啊?na 那个人lor 那个长头发的lor... xx la.. oh no no 是美女。。你请她来看我的啊?。。。”
haha....omg all of us nearly fainted... haha...
my uncle even wanted to wind up cos he said we cant get along wif u can see how evil she is!!!! yday she called my auditor to come and audit the a/c called the valuer to value our properties... haha... omg... need me to say any more?....... she's worst than the devil wearing prada!!!!
ok wat happen was yday one of my cuz wanna issue a chq..the chq bk was wif tat BS when i nicely asked her to pass d chq to me cos my leg was painful...(cos i jus came back from d chinese doctor...) she replied :"come in n take yourself!" as usual very rude..haha.. ok to cut short she even shouted out loudly to my cuz (who was oso one of the director) asking him to go to her cubicle to take from cuz was so angry and demanded her to pass to him then she replied :'ask michelle to come in n take!!" she shouted so loudly!! my cuz replied " dun u understand i wan the chq now...." she got no choice and so she came out and threw the chq bk on my table and said :"i'm not yr maid dun ask me around to pass thing to u!!..." haha...then wat happen? keke...drama liao lor... she dragged my uncle my aunts all in...making them so angry too then pretended to be good person asking them not to bother cos dis's b/w her and us... haha...well she even threaten to call the police la...cos she said my aunt touches her haha... haha... she forgotten something once she pushed my sista (my uncle fell down when my sista went to carry him she PUSHED my sista away n quick went to hold him up....) she din even say soli n we oso din take to heart...and now she.... hai...
oops...tooo long liao ah...keke... anyway yday really a exciting day in d office..keke..cos after my boss went home le...she started to tear dunno wat n made alot of noise... haha... then when she felt no one bothering abt her she started her "play" again..keke...she called my cuz (which she only listen to her cos she her only boss) n told her :" hello kat ah... 你请一个人来看我做工啊?na 那个人lor 那个长头发的lor... xx la.. oh no no 是美女。。你请她来看我的啊?。。。”
haha....omg all of us nearly fainted... haha...
my uncle even wanted to wind up cos he said we cant get along wif u can see how evil she is!!!! yday she called my auditor to come and audit the a/c called the valuer to value our properties... haha... omg... need me to say any more?....... she's worst than the devil wearing prada!!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
pls teach me how to 忍。。谢谢:)
海哟。。。can someone teach me tell me wat to do... i'm getting mad soon ah..haha
we haf this brother labeling machine...the tape was used up long long ago...this "international lady" suppose to buy the tape but she didn't!!! why we all dunno... cos she refused to tell us...and she had been seating on it for very long liao since last dec till now... faint...
when u ask her she'll normally tell u dun ask her if we wanna ask go and ask her boss which is my cuz...whenever she did things wrong she will refer us to our cuz...cos 她是她的靠山!!haha..
she was so not co-operative!! like jus now when i ask her abt the mach cos i rem she told me my cuz wanna buy a new mach for her...u noe how she replied? haha... :"ya wif me!" then i said "can you please lend me?" she used her black n unfriendly face looked at me and then open her drawer...and u noe wat she passed to me? TAPE!!! YES THE REFILL TAPE FOR THE OLD LABELING MACHINE!! so i replied :"you haf the tape why u dont fix it to the mach?" she replied :" i jus got it dis morning from kat! if you want to use YOU fix it!! i got no time to fix for you!!!" -.-
can faint rite????? to work wif this kinda pple!! 每天只会对老板笑不把他人放在眼里。。对每个人脸黑黑好像我们欠她什麽奖。。唉。。。
we haf this brother labeling machine...the tape was used up long long ago...this "international lady" suppose to buy the tape but she didn't!!! why we all dunno... cos she refused to tell us...and she had been seating on it for very long liao since last dec till now... faint...
when u ask her she'll normally tell u dun ask her if we wanna ask go and ask her boss which is my cuz...whenever she did things wrong she will refer us to our cuz...cos 她是她的靠山!!haha..
she was so not co-operative!! like jus now when i ask her abt the mach cos i rem she told me my cuz wanna buy a new mach for her...u noe how she replied? haha... :"ya wif me!" then i said "can you please lend me?" she used her black n unfriendly face looked at me and then open her drawer...and u noe wat she passed to me? TAPE!!! YES THE REFILL TAPE FOR THE OLD LABELING MACHINE!! so i replied :"you haf the tape why u dont fix it to the mach?" she replied :" i jus got it dis morning from kat! if you want to use YOU fix it!! i got no time to fix for you!!!" -.-
can faint rite????? to work wif this kinda pple!! 每天只会对老板笑不把他人放在眼里。。对每个人脸黑黑好像我们欠她什麽奖。。唉。。。
Sunday, February 17, 2008
boss's hse - 2008 cny
cny @ Boss's hse... soooo many pple wen... :) collected quite a no of ang boas... keke...thx jian bin da ge huige mark 师兄 lina and of cos boss ..keke...
michelle nick lina cheryl kenny jeremy

we haf to take a "Q" no to see who to go 1st.. :) oops...i cannot rem wat q no i took but i can rem chuan xuan was in front of me and after me was mark shi xiong.. :)

is zi pai time... :)
after the ang bao draw we started to play ban luck.. :) the big winner shd be nick...keke...cos he got countless time of ban luck!! :) each time he got a ban luck he will take one pic...keke...i still haf not get the pic from him...once i got it from him i will post and show u ya... keke...

keke...wat are we waiting for? :) the ang baos draw... keke... how much ang bao can each get? keke...tat must depend on your luck!! :) total der were 4 type of amt.. S$18 S$28 S$68 and the biggest - S$88!! fa fa ah!! :)

keke..see my ah siao face...u shd noe dis yr my ang bao was not bad la...keke...shd be very good liao...S$68/-!! keke...last few yrs all my ang baos were small small one...keke... :)

we haf loi hei on dat day too...

dis yr shaund's bday happen to fall on cny... so sweet of ah bu & boss...they got him a bday cake :)

our new mother cat & raffles ... love dis pic :)

Friday, February 15, 2008
pics talk... :)
long over due pics...keke...
Old Master Q n Jteam Live Show 2008 @ AMK Hub

i jus got my new digi 860! on the 2nd last day of d show... keke... thx to seth for d good deal!! keke...see d pics taken using canon 860 very clear rite? keke...

loves dis colourful!! NICE!! dis was a dance brought to u by 4 beautiful ladies from the “唐潮” keke... how nice if i'm from Tang Dynasty ...keke... :)
haf u wonder how's the back stage like? during break time wat were we be doing? keke... ok now i shall let the cat out... keke...

normally during the break time we were EAT!! keke...cos lunch time liao mah... keke... going online, catching up...taking pics...sleeping...etc...keke...

dun haf my pic cos i'm always going round taking pics...haha... :)
during the last day of the show...we haf a visitor... :) tat was - BORIS!!! :) he was der to buy his bag! :) he even bought food and drinks for us nice of him!! thx boris! :)

see wat he got for huige!! haha...DA BAO!! really DA lor!! haha...

see we oso haf our own cny deco at the backstage... :) sponsored by trey!! haha... actually the cny deco was for his hse...but the cai sheng ye was so cute so we "force" him to lend 1st..keke... :)

cool rite...candyfloss become 7 zai.. keke...

ya rite! youfa! haha...he was the hosting for the 10 days show... :)

thanks grace for the cny card!! thank you very much!! she was so supportive!! she came down to AMK Hub a few times to watch our performance... she even gaf me tissues paper everytime after d show!! thz GRACE!! :) and thx to all those who gaf me tissues too!! although i dunno who u r... i still wanna say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :)
so nice of jeremy helping me to hold the card for me to take pic... :) thx ah... :)

so sweet of marie!! :) she was der to watch me..keke...she even brought her cuz wif her.. :) thx sweetie.. :)

wanna noe where we go after the last show?
keke....we went to Anderson for Ice Cream !! keke...cos we were not we jus went to eat ICE CREAM!! favourite leh!! keke..
Thursday, February 14, 2008
:( why?
HMMM...really dun understand...
jus one person ... can destory d whole world...
jus becos of one person .... :(
jus one person ... can destory d whole world...
jus becos of one person .... :(
history repeated again!
there's another coconut appearing again....
dis time is an old coconut!!
really dun understand wat so good about it?
hmm...there will be no peace liao... :(
dis time is an old coconut!!
really dun understand wat so good about it?
hmm...there will be no peace liao... :(
Monday, February 11, 2008
gong xi fa cai!!
GONG XI FA CAI!!! :) today 大年初五le!!! fast ya!
today oso my 开工大吉!! keke...wishing me soon soon heng heng all small people远离我!! keke... huat ah!!! keke...
so how's ur cny? win $$? yday we went to our boss jack neo's hse...i got a good ang bao!! keke...better then last 2 yrs!! keke.... dis time round we haf more of the $88... then follow up by $68 $28 & $18...keke...
dis yr my ang boa was good but my card luck not so la...keke...i din win $$ haha...i lose abt 10+ at boss's hse..keke...nick was really very lucky!! haha... go so many times of "ban luck" (spell correctly?) keke...
yday day was really fun...haha...took lotsa pics..keke...will post up soon ah...if not cx will nag at me liao...haha...
today oso my 开工大吉!! keke...wishing me soon soon heng heng all small people远离我!! keke... huat ah!!! keke...
so how's ur cny? win $$? yday we went to our boss jack neo's hse...i got a good ang bao!! keke...better then last 2 yrs!! keke.... dis time round we haf more of the $88... then follow up by $68 $28 & $18...keke...
dis yr my ang boa was good but my card luck not so la...keke...i din win $$ haha...i lose abt 10+ at boss's hse..keke...nick was really very lucky!! haha... go so many times of "ban luck" (spell correctly?) keke...
yday day was really fun...haha...took lotsa pics..keke...will post up soon ah...if not cx will nag at me liao...haha...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
is cny eve!! :)
yes! yes! is cny eve today!!!!! so exciting!! keke!!
u noe wat… i haf been very busy so of cos i dun haf time to do spring cleaning...and dun even haf to mention CLEARing my cave la! hai..i tot dis time sure haf to close my room door during the cny le...keke...BUT NO LOR!!! ...keke...thanks to my lovely sista!! keke...she help me to clear my cave jus in time to welcome the rat!! keke!!! THANK YOU SISTA!!!!! HUGS HUGS KISS!! KISS!!
now my room is neat and tidy!! keke... michelle's a happy gal ne!! keke
but my whole body still aching..haha..leg still painful..haha...think i really exhaust my kneel liao..keke....think haf to see chinese sinseh after cny le...haha.... so malu i walked like an old woman...haha... I walked very slow leh…so paiseh ne… keke…
my OI frexs were very nice too!! KPO and marie came to amk hub to haf dinner wif me..when kpo knew tat my keel was in pain …she helped to carry my bag...keke...oopss shd be luggage..haha...cos my bag was very very heavy!! keke... thanks cassie!!! I’m so touch leh…keke...oh ya thanks for d dinner too!! :) soli ah...2nd day of cny me cannot go to ur hse to bai nian...keke... I’ll go up one of dis day k…keke…
haiyoooo...i got no time to load the pics to my pc no pics at the moment..keke... soli ah...keke... dis yr cny eve me no need to no need to rush to eat my reunion dinner..keke..i can take my time to eat..keke... :) hmmm....times really fly!!! i can still rem last yr...keke...i was at the chinatown doing d cny show and after dat we went shopping at chinatown and followed by praying at 四马路观音庙... :) tat was my 1st time visiting the temple on cny day!! so early some more...keke... thx to S & M!! keke... hmmm...dunno dis yr will S be going down to .... :) will u? keke....
michelle would like to wish each and everyone a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!
Wishing you n all ur love ones A Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year of the Rat 2008! GONG XI FA CAI!!!
HUAT AH!!! :)
u noe wat… i haf been very busy so of cos i dun haf time to do spring cleaning...and dun even haf to mention CLEARing my cave la! hai..i tot dis time sure haf to close my room door during the cny le...keke...BUT NO LOR!!! ...keke...thanks to my lovely sista!! keke...she help me to clear my cave jus in time to welcome the rat!! keke!!! THANK YOU SISTA!!!!! HUGS HUGS KISS!! KISS!!
now my room is neat and tidy!! keke... michelle's a happy gal ne!! keke
but my whole body still aching..haha..leg still painful..haha...think i really exhaust my kneel liao..keke....think haf to see chinese sinseh after cny le...haha.... so malu i walked like an old woman...haha... I walked very slow leh…so paiseh ne… keke…
my OI frexs were very nice too!! KPO and marie came to amk hub to haf dinner wif me..when kpo knew tat my keel was in pain …she helped to carry my bag...keke...oopss shd be luggage..haha...cos my bag was very very heavy!! keke... thanks cassie!!! I’m so touch leh…keke...oh ya thanks for d dinner too!! :) soli ah...2nd day of cny me cannot go to ur hse to bai nian...keke... I’ll go up one of dis day k…keke…
haiyoooo...i got no time to load the pics to my pc no pics at the moment..keke... soli ah...keke... dis yr cny eve me no need to no need to rush to eat my reunion dinner..keke..i can take my time to eat..keke... :) hmmm....times really fly!!! i can still rem last yr...keke...i was at the chinatown doing d cny show and after dat we went shopping at chinatown and followed by praying at 四马路观音庙... :) tat was my 1st time visiting the temple on cny day!! so early some more...keke... thx to S & M!! keke... hmmm...dunno dis yr will S be going down to .... :) will u? keke....
michelle would like to wish each and everyone a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!
Wishing you n all ur love ones A Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year of the Rat 2008! GONG XI FA CAI!!!
HUAT AH!!! :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
tiger beer road show :)
wow!! yday was really fun ne!! thanks to all uncle n aunty!!! thanks for all the support!! congrats to those who had won the tiger beer hamper!! wow!! S$118-everyday fa!!! :)
so happy to meet my rediffusion idol - xu hui min da ge!! keke...cos i used to listen to his 广播 during his rediffusion time!! keke... i like his wife too!! yan gui juan .. keke... hope i got the spelling correct.. keke...
der will be another tiger beer roadshow today at Blk 212 Bedok Nth St 1#01-147 (Store Front) NTUC Fairprice :) from 7pm to 11pm.. :) as usual 7pm to 9pm will be hosted by DJs from 958capital radio they are teck ming da ge and sen lian jie :) then from 9pm to 11pm will be hosted by michelle...keke... oh ya and the god of fortune will be der around 9.30pm!! keke...wanna fa? keke...rem to touch the god of fortune head ah!! ;)
so see all of u der ya!! keke...if u wanna buy tiger beer or guinness must buy during the road show k.. keke cos got lucky draw mah... u still can play games and win cash $$ and many many tiger goodies!! :)
:) good luck to everyone ya!! :)
so happy to meet my rediffusion idol - xu hui min da ge!! keke...cos i used to listen to his 广播 during his rediffusion time!! keke... i like his wife too!! yan gui juan .. keke... hope i got the spelling correct.. keke...
der will be another tiger beer roadshow today at Blk 212 Bedok Nth St 1#01-147 (Store Front) NTUC Fairprice :) from 7pm to 11pm.. :) as usual 7pm to 9pm will be hosted by DJs from 958capital radio they are teck ming da ge and sen lian jie :) then from 9pm to 11pm will be hosted by michelle...keke... oh ya and the god of fortune will be der around 9.30pm!! keke...wanna fa? keke...rem to touch the god of fortune head ah!! ;)
so see all of u der ya!! keke...if u wanna buy tiger beer or guinness must buy during the road show k.. keke cos got lucky draw mah... u still can play games and win cash $$ and many many tiger goodies!! :)
:) good luck to everyone ya!! :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
tiger beer road show
:) today i'll be doing d tiger beer roadshow at Blk 88, Tanglin Halt, #01-10 Sheng Shiong - Commonwealth :) from 7pm to 11pm :) der will be DJs from capital radio FM958 from 7pm to 9pm. :) they are DJ Sen Yong n Xu Hui Min :)
around 9.30pm cai sheng ye will be der too!! to gif lucky no!!!! :) if u stay around tat area and wanna buy tiger beer or guinness must rem to go sheng shiong and buy today ya..cos got many prizes to be won and many gifts to gif away... :) got lucky draw too!!! cash $$ leh!! :)
ok ne...i got to work liao..keke...busy busy..keke... c ya.. :)
around 9.30pm cai sheng ye will be der too!! to gif lucky no!!!! :) if u stay around tat area and wanna buy tiger beer or guinness must rem to go sheng shiong and buy today ya..cos got many prizes to be won and many gifts to gif away... :) got lucky draw too!!! cash $$ leh!! :)
ok ne...i got to work liao..keke...busy busy..keke... c ya.. :)
wow..over le... :(
yday marked the end of our old master Q and jteam live show for 2008!
ya! so fast!! rem i was mentioning abt the 1st few over le...twenty over shows! so fast over le... :( haha...tired but very very HAPPY!! cos we all njoy the whole shows soooooooo MUCH!!!!!!!! hoping to do again soon!! haha...
yday show was abt an hr hahahaa... see we were all so high!! hahaa... now u noe wat my whole body was aching!!! haha...cannot walk liao...BUT i dun mind doing OMQ again la...haha... how i wish i can rest at home today ah..haha...but cannot!! keke...cos got tooo many things need to be done!! keke... kinda miss everyone liao!! Dot trey rey seth huige youfa yanling jeremy... keke.. miss miss.. nice working wif all of u!! :) haha... miss the 8 GB too!! keke... 8 gb ah 8 gb...keke..
oops..not forgetting our cai sheng ye and "rou gu mei" :)
ya! so fast!! rem i was mentioning abt the 1st few over le...twenty over shows! so fast over le... :( haha...tired but very very HAPPY!! cos we all njoy the whole shows soooooooo MUCH!!!!!!!! hoping to do again soon!! haha...
yday show was abt an hr hahahaa... see we were all so high!! hahaa... now u noe wat my whole body was aching!!! haha...cannot walk liao...BUT i dun mind doing OMQ again la...haha... how i wish i can rest at home today ah..haha...but cannot!! keke...cos got tooo many things need to be done!! keke... kinda miss everyone liao!! Dot trey rey seth huige youfa yanling jeremy... keke.. miss miss.. nice working wif all of u!! :) haha... miss the 8 GB too!! keke... 8 gb ah 8 gb...keke..
oops..not forgetting our cai sheng ye and "rou gu mei" :)
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